Friday, August 1, 2008

Lots of time with Family & Friends

We had a really fun week last week complete with a day at the pool, a party (complete with Drew, Anna Kate's main squeeze), and a visit with the Greatgrandparents. Anna Kate also had her first trip to the mall! On Monday, we went over to our friend Sarah's pool which was SO fun...especially since Anna Kate and Drew who were supposed to be napping, basically laid in the floor and talked to each other! We had a party for our friend Michael who is actually starting med school today-Good Luck, Michael!! We got to see Drew for a bit...he was getting ready to go to bed, so we only had time for a quick photo op, then it was time to party! This week, we got to visit with Anna Kate's Greatgrandparents and see Aunt Sarah's video from was great! Anna Kate is rolling from her back to her belly really well, but she can't quite get back on her back yet. She went to sleep the other day on her belly (while I watched, of course) and freaked out when she woke up and couldn't roll over. She's also really starting to grasp and hold on to things really well, and just jabbering up a storm. I can't wait for her to start talking!

Drew and Anna Kate "napping" while the girls enjoyed some time in the sun!

Anna Kate's first trip to the mall

Anna Kate's developing quite a coy look

Casey, Drew, Anna Kate and Sarah at the party!

Drew and Anna Kate sittin on the sofa

All the girls hanging out while the boys watched "Man vs. Wild" a.k.a. the most disgusting and intriguing show on tv

taking a bottle from Greatgrandmother

You can barely tell in this picture, but Anna Kate is really starting to grasp for things...she LOVES that pink elephant on her play mat at my parent's house


Amanda said...
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Amanda said...

The 'coy look' picture is beautiful...

There is a green bow on your child's head. Just FYI.

She has gotten SO BIG...didn't notice till the picture with the Great-Grandmother!!!

OF COURSE she loves the elephant...c'mon...

Love y'all.